viernes, 5 de junio de 2015


The other day, Adou, an eight your old boy, was found in a suitcase at the border of Tarajal. According to the judge, his father, Ali Outara, couldn´t legally bring him from Costa de Marfil because his monthly income fell 41€ short of what it needed to be to legally bring him into the country and reunite with his family (a monthly income of 1,331€ is demanded by the law).

Adou´s father remains in custody since the day that his son was found stuffed in a suitcase trying to cross the border illegally.  Outara guaranteed that he paid approximately 5,000 euros for a visa so that the boy could legally get through border control.  He also claimed that he had no idea that his son was going to be snuck in in a suitcase.

At the moment Outara is still secluded in a cell in Los Rosales Ceuta.  Meanwhile, his lawyer continues to defend him stating that all of this came down to a matter of a few euros and that the parents could have presented a Contentious-Administrative Appeal before a judge if they had been previously informed of their right to do so.

On the other hand, Adou´s mother is fighting for custody of Adou, which she really never lost as she has been residing in Fuerteventura up until now and had nothing to do with this incident.  It only seems logical that the the mother get custody of Adou and that they start the family reunification process as soon as possible.

Translated by: Katherine Pascal